Dragi colegi,Avem placerea de a va invita sa luati parte la cea de a Va editie a conferintei GastroMarathon, ce va avea loc in perioada 17-18 noiembrie 2023, la hotel Crowne Plaza.Va asteptam alaturi de noi!
Echipa GastroMarathon
Folositi cautarea dupa zi, sala, titlu, lector
Orar | Sala | Titlu | Lector |
08:30-09:00 | S1 | Welcome and introductions |
Chairs: Bogdan Mateescu, Viorel Jinga, Călin Liviu Oltean |
08:30-17:30 | S1 | Day 1 - 17 nov. 2023 CROWN BALLROOM |
09:00-10:00 | S1 | Interactive case-based debates: 1. EUS-based staging of bilio-pancreatic neoplasms (I.Hritz) 2. Endotherapy in chronic pancreatitis (M.Barthet) 3. Polypectomy techniques – ESD case (A.Voiosu) |
Chairs: Andrea Tringali, Adrian Săftoiu, Octav Ginghină, Cristiana Popp, Gabriel Constantinescu, Ofelia Moșteanu, Iuliana Pantelimon |
10:00-10:30 | S1 | The role of the bilio-pancreatic endoscopist in the multidisciplinary oncology team |
Marc Barthet |
10:30-10:45 | S1 | TEMCO Symposium Getting the best out of your endoscope – improving diagnostic techniques - A. Haidar |
Chairs: Bogdan Mateescu, Marcel Tantau, Mariana Jinga |
10:45-11:05 | S1 | EUS-guided gallbladder drainage: tips and tricks for a safe procedure |
Alberto Larghi |
11:05-11:40 | S1 | Coffee break | |
11:40-13:00 | S1 | Interactive case-based debates: 1. Hybrid approaches to advanced procedure endoscopy meets interventional radiology and surgery (E. Dumea,O.Ginghina) 2. Endotherapy for achalasia – starting a POEM program (A.Voiosu, M.Barthet) 3. ERCP for hilar strictures -COMBO RFA case (T.Voiosu) |
Chairs: Marc Barthet, Giulio Antonelli, Vlad Croitoru, Mugur Grasu, Daniela Tabacelia, Andrei Voiosu, Marcel Tantau |
13:00-13:20 | S1 | Building a solid foundation: training in basic endoscopy techniques | Giulio Antonelli |
13:20-13:40 | S1 | Training in EUS – challenges and opportunities for the young endoscopist |
Katarzyna Pawlak |
13:40-14:40 | S1 | Lunch Break |
14:40-15:10 | S1 | CBD Stone management: from simple to complex. | Istvan Hritz |
15:10-16:10 | S1 | Interactive case-based debates: 1. Small-bowel endoscopy – diagnostic and therapeutic applications (B. Busuioc) 2. Endohepatology - management of esophageal and gastric varices (B. Ungureanu) 3. IPMN in the bile duct – innovative approach – (A.Tringali) |
Chairs: Istvan Hritz, Katarzyna Pawlak, Eugen Dumitru, Lucian Negreanu, Vasile Sandru, Theodor Voiosu |
16:10-16:40 | S1 | Training models for advanced endoscopic procedures: how to shorten the learning curve |
Andrea Tringali |
16:40-17:00 | S1 | Boston Scientific Symposium – best case from the audience - Don’t judge a cholangiocarcinoma by it’s first stricture. Incidental IPMN-B discovery (C. Paun, B.Busuioc, C.Mocanu) |
Chairs: Bogdan Mateescu, Marcel Tantau, Cristian Gheorghe |
17:00-17:30 | S1 | Breakout sessions - Orhideea Hall I, Orhideea Hall II |
08:30-17:30 | S1 | Day 2 - 18 nov. 2023 CROWN BALLROOM |
08:30-09:00 | S1 | Breakout sessions - Orhideea Hall I, Orhideea Hall II |
09:00-09:20 | S1 | Ewopharma Symposium IBD in a nutshell: From basic science to clinical practice (M. State) |
Chairs: Bogdan Mateescu, Cristiana Popp, Bianca Galateanu |
09:20-10:40 | S1 | Case-based debate in IBD: 1. Endotherapy in inflammatory bowel disease-related complications(B.Mateescu) 2.Extensive small-bowel disease and severe malnutrition: successful medical and surgical approach ( O.Stanciulea, C.Gheorghe, L.Gheorghe) 3. Surgery for Crohn’s disease: choosing the right time! (M.State, A.Vacarasu, M.Zamfir) 4. Applications of intestinal ultrasound in management of IBD (M.Rimbaș) |
Chairs: Traian Dumitrascu, Vasile Bințințan, Marian Forminte, Theodor Voiosu, Andrei Haidar |
10:40-10:55 | S1 | Andrei Voiosu | |
10:55-11:30 | S1 | Coffee break | |
11:30-11:50 | S1 | State of the art lecture (IV): When to scope your patient with inflammatory bowel disease ? |
Vasile Bințințan |
11:50-13:00 | S1 | Cases from the audience: • Esophageal epidermoid metaplasia: an unusual and peculiar underdiagnosed manifestation of lichen planus (A.Ondu,C.Tudor,A.Ene, G.Becheanu) •Primary duodenal extranodal MALT lymphoma - execeptional locatization of a rare entity (D.Enea, G.Becheanu, I.Bancila) •Unusual Beginning of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (A.Trandafir, L.Alexandrescu, E.Dina, R.Sora) |
Chairs: Cristian Gheorghe, Mariana Jinga, Bogdan Ungureanu, Ofelia Moșteanu, Cristiana Popp, Mihai Rimbaș |
13:00-13:15 | S1 | Bogdan Mateescu | |
13:15-14:15 | S1 | Lunch break | |
14:15-14:30 | S1 | Pfizer Symposium Small molecule/big choices: tofacitinib in clinical practice |
Theodor Voiosu |
14:30-15:30 | S1 | Cases from the audience: •Pseudomembranous colitis: do not always blame Clostridium difficile (D.Enea, G.Becheanu, A.Dimitriu) • Dysphagia in the young patient - Eosinophilic Esophagitis or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? (F.Almarii, G.Becheanu, F.Giuroiu,A.Haidar) •Parasitic infections and biliary obstruction: Alien vs. Predator (C.Marin,B.Busuioc, C.Mocanu) |
Chairs: Eugen Dumitru, Lucian Negreanu, Bogdan Mateescu, Cristian Tieranu, Andrei Haidar |
15:30-16:00 | S1 | State of the art lecture (V): Management of fistulizing Crohn’s disease |
Michael Chiorean |
16:00-16:40 | S1 | Tandem talk: Imaging modalities in IBD The role of cross-sectional imaging The role of abdominal ultrasound |
Mugur Grasu, Zeno Sparchez |
16:40-17:00 | S1 | Best IBD abstract award: Changes in Patient-Reported Outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) patients during COVID pandemic: Result from a dedicated IBD centre (M.Cozma, T.Spataru, L.Negreanu) |
Chairs: Bogdan Mateescu, Lucian Negreanu |
17:00-17:15 | S1 | Celltrion Healthcare Symposium Switching to a subcutaneus biosimilar- Fast and Furious! |
Farid Rouhani |
17:15-17:30 | S1 | Closing remarks | Bogdan Mateescu |
Orar | Sala | Titlu | Lector |
08:00-17:30 | S2 | Day1 - 17 nov. 2023 Orhideea I Hall |
11:05-11:40 | S2 | Young endoscopist corner: I want to train abroad! |
Chairs: G.Antonelli, K.Pawlak, A.Voiosu, C.Diaconu, M.Birligea, D.Tabacelia, M.Ifrim, I.Hritz |
13:40-14:40 | S2 | Young endoscopist corner: I want to train in Romania! |
Chairs: O.Mosteanu, A. Dumitru, T.Voiosu, V.Sandru, T. Georgescu, C.Nedelcu |
17:00-17:30 | S2 | Breakout sessions – coffee with the expertsImprove your endoscopic management of bilio-pancreatic disease: |
Chairs: Marc Barthet, Istvan Hritz, Andrea Tringali, Ofelia Mosteanu, Vlad Croitoru, Theodor Voiosu, Mihai Rimbaș |
08:00-17:30 | S2 | Day 2 - 18 nov. 2023 Orhideea I Hall |
08:30-09:00 | S2 | Breakout sessions (IBD): Coffee with the experts with the support of Bristol Myers Squibb Advanced therapies in IBD. Teaching an old dog new tricks? |
Chairs: Raluca Prodan, Eugen Dumitru, Bogdan Mateescu |
Orar | Sala | Titlu | Lector |
08:00-17:30 | S3 | Day 1 - 17 nov. 2023 - Orhideea II Hall |
11:05-11:40 | S3 | Exhibition 1 : Endoscopic accessories - Boston Scientific |
13:40-14:40 | S3 | Exhibition 2: Endoscopes and accessories - Olympus |
17:00-17:30 | S3 | Breakout sessions – coffee with the experts Improve your management of colo-rectal polyps |
Chairs:Giulio Antonelli, Katarzyna Pawlak, Andrei Voiosu, Cristian Nedelcu, Marius Zamfir, Bogdan Mateescu, Cristian Nedelcu |
08:00-17:30 | S3 | Day 2 - 18 nov. 2023 Orhideea II Hall |
08:30-09:00 | S3 | Breakout sessions (IBD): Coffee with the experts with the support of TAKEDA ROMANIA Welcome to the new age – genetics, nutrition, fertility, postoperative complications |
Chairs: Zeno Sparchez, Vasile Bințințan, Theodor Voiosu |
10:55-11:00 | S3 | Young researchers corner: I want to get involved in GI research: CONTINUITY, CLEAN AZ, COMBO RFA |
Chairs: Andrei Voiosu, Monica State, Theodor Voiosu, Iuliana Pantelimon, Eduard Dumea, Vlad Croitoru, Claudia Diaconu, Bianca Galateanu |
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